House & Garden Top Booster stimulates rapid fruit and flower formation by providing your plants with a large amount of phosphorus and potassium over a period of 3 to 4 days. Top booster has the added advantage of EDDHA-Fe (red iron.) Red iron keeps the plant greener through this drought period ensuring a healthy lush plant. Phosphorous and potassium are important building blocks for the plant. Phosphorous is needed for the root formation and influences the respiration and photosynthesis within the plant. Phosphorous also plays a massive part in the flowering and ripening process. Potassium is needed for the absorption and transport of nutrients in the plant. It also has a beneficial effect on the ripening process.
Use Top Booster four weeks before the end of the harvest. Prepare the nutrients container by first mixing the base nutrients and setting your EC values then add Top Booster and adjust your PH values.
Dilution rate
1.5ml of Top Booster will make 1 litre of usable nutrient solution.
Available sizes
Available in 500ml, 1 litre, 5 litres