Growth Technology - SuperDrive

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  • Regular price £4.95
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SuperDrive is a highly effective vitamin solution for plant development and it can be used in all stages of growth, from seedling to harvest. It is effective in the reduction of stress and the maximization of performance. It can be applied through the roots or through the leaves and can be added to nutrient solutions throughout the life of the plant.

Benefits for your plants include:

  • Healthier more vigorous plants.
  • Delivers more fragrant flowers.
  • Produces more tasty crops.
  • It contains powerful plant enhancing compounds, derived from the concentrated extracts of marine plants.
  • SuperDrive is manufactured from pure and highly concentrated plant extracts.
  • It is non-toxic and poses no environmental hazards.


Empowers peak plant performance

  • SuperDrive can be used in all stages of growth from seed to harvest.
  • SuperDrive can be diluted in water or added to nutrient solutions.
  • SuperDrive can be supplied through the roots or misted on to the foliage.