House & Garden - Magic Green Foliar

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  • Regular price £25.00
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House & Garden Magic Green is designed primarily to give a boost to mother plants and plants in the very early stages of growth. From un-rooted cuttings through to established rooted plants, Magic Green will return the natural colour and vitality to your plants when sprayed directly onto the leaves. Magic Green works by strengthening the internal veins of the leaf and helping in the photosynthesis within the leaf. When Magic Green is sprayed directly onto the leaf it leaves a thin layer of wax and is absorbed directly into the leaf restoring the lush green colour of healthy leaves. It also protects the leaf from insects and fungi attack as the thin wax layer prevents the insects or fungi taking hold. Magic Green is a fantastic solution to restore a natural balance within the plant when the roots of the plant are either not fully formed or damaged in transference from cutting environment to growing environment.


Use Magic Green no more than twice a week as it may make your plant slow down its root development as it is far easier to absorb nutrient through the leaf.

Spray Magic Green directly onto the leaves when diluted with the correct amount of water.

Magic Green is effective within 2 days

Dilution rate

Dilute 10ml of Magic Green to 1 litre of usable spray liquid