This unit will maintain optimal humidity levels in grow-rooms of up to 150m2! Optimal environments mean happier plants, faster growth rates and, ultimately, bigger and better yields!
It's fully automated design features a float valve that takes up water from a header tank when it's needed, providing weeks of trouble-free, hands-off operation. The powerful motor, fan and atomizer produce huge amounts of visible vapour. A must-have for the commercial growers out there.
- Quick and easy to install
- Auto-fills via a header tank (sold separately)
- Increases moisture levels in areas of up to 150m2
- Accelerates plant growth and aids vigour
- Comes with a hydrostat that automatically switches on and off as required
- Maintains perfect humidity levels once pre-selected at your required humidity range
- Comes with a carry handle for mobility
- Low power consumption of 90 watts
- Humidification Capacity: 2,500cc - 4,000cc (1.05gallon/hour)
- Can be used in various areas including greenhouses, propagation rooms or orchid/mushroom cultivation
1 x HR-50 humidifier, power cord (150cm), hydrostat controller
37cm x 37cm x 48cm
Power supply: 220v euro plug (requires a two pin to three pin adapter)
How the HR-50 Humidifier and Hygrostat Work:
All plants need water, indeed most plants are composed mostly of water. For this reason, the health of a plant will depend directly on the relative humidity of its surroundings. Leaves lose water via evaporation through their stomata – small openings in special cells on the leaf surface where gaseous exchange takes place. If the relative humidity is too low, a plant will start to give up some of its water into the surrounding air, which can have a very negative effect on plants, typically causing wilting, stress and poor health. Boosting levels of moisture can improve plant transpiration, nutrient uptake, cell division and fruit/bud development.
The HR-50 connects to a separate header tank, which supplies water to the unit. It works via a float switch system, so that water is only ever sent to the unit when it is needed - it will never overflow. No pump is required, as it's a gravity fed system. The Hygrostat regulates the HR-50 so that it only ever introduces moisture into the air when it needs to. It should be noted that the HR-50 is not designed to be used with hard water, which will leave residues/deposits that will affect its running and also invalidate the warranty. These residues will also damage grow-room equipment, like reflectors, which become corroded and lose their efficiency.
It should be noted that the HR-50 is designed for use with water that has been filtered through a reverse osmosis unit. Filtering water removes excess salts that can damage internal components and cause issues in your grow room. These salts can even corrode your reflectors, causing a drop in yields. If you wish to use this unit with unfiltered water, you do so at your own risk. We cannot accept returns and the manufacturers will not send out a replacement.
How to use the HR-50 Humidifier and Hygrostat:
Place the unit on a level surface, such as a workbench or floor. In a ventilated area, place the unit near the intake end of the room. When at the desired location connect a water supply to the 6mm female inlet. Insert the humidifier plug directly into the Hygrostat, set at your desired humidity level, insert the Hygrostat plug into an electrical outlet. You can also plug the unit into a timer for specific control intervals.
Note: maintenance is required to keep the humidifier working properly as calcium can build up over time as well as dirt and sediment, to clean off calcium deposits using a calcium dissolving agent.