The period after the transition phase is when you will start to see flower production. Growth slows, and flowering sites begin to swell as they produce their fruits. During this critical period, the plants must receive everything they need in a form that allows them to expend as little energy as possible.
nano.10⁻⁹ flower boost⁺ is the only flowering additive you need during the main flowering period*. It contains the additional phosphorus and potassium required during rapid flowering growth, with sulphur and magnesium contributing to enhanced fruit quality.
Naturally occurring plant hormones are the natural catalysts for building bigger fruits and denser yields. flower boost⁺ utilises biostimulants to assist your plants in producing the biggest gains and finest quality fruits possible.
Unique to the nano range of nutrients is our patented nanoparticles. In flower boost⁺, we use nano iron and silica. The nano iron provides your plant with additional energy for fruit production with enhanced flavours and aromas. Nano silica keeps the plants’ defences high during the period that most growers experience increased pest and disease attacks.
Find more about the benefits of nano iron during flowering in our ‘further information’ section or on the official nano site
*Main flowering indicates weeks 3-8 of a 12-hour light cycle.